
Results InAxtion study: 1+1 turns out te be 3

Every person has specific values that matter to them. This can be related to respect, development or the way in which new opportunities are identified and seized. If the company that person works for fits in with the standards and values that matter to him or her, then there is nearly always a match. It is clear that good matches are the foundation for successful business operations, in the long term as well. At InAxtion, we looked into whether the DNA of our employees really fits InAxtion's DNA as well as we all think it does.


The study showed clear results: our technical people highly value honesty, reliability, respect, quality and involvement in both their work and personal lives. These personal values are also experienced as present cultural values in our organisation. As far as we are concerned, these are the exact competencies people require to do the work optimally with a satisfied customer as the result.


Why we are sharing this? Because we value employees who feel good about themselves and who feel at home in our team. After all, it is a fact that people who feel free and confident on the work floor are ill less often, provide better work and have a positive working attitude. In our view, creating this nice working environment with great colleagues is the starting point for reaping the benefits of a long-term and pleasant cooperation. Which is how, all of a sudden, 1 + 1 equals 3. For employee, employer and client.
