
Benefit from the CO2 performance ladder

Increase your performance with the CO2 Performance Ladder.

The CO2 Performance Ladder is a sustainability tool. This market initiative will help you do business sustainably, saving energy and earning you money in the process. The tool encourages you to reduce your CO emissions in all sorts of ways. There are simple measures, such as turning your PC off instead of leaving it in standby mode, turning down the heating or buying energy-saving bulbs. Other possibilities include switching to a 'greener' fleet of vehicles, switching to green energy or using machinery more efficiently. The tool will help you to map all aspects of energy use - and therefore emissions - in your company, and to set annual targets. An authorised body will determine which rung on the CO2 Performance Ladder you have reached and which certificate you will receive.

The CO2 Performance Ladder has a number of levels.

LEVELS 1 - 3

At these levels, you are expected to be on top of your own CO2 situation. You need to be aware of CO2 emissions within your company. You will have mapped your emissions and have set yourself targets to reduce them in the coming years. In short, you are aware of your carbon footprint.


At this level you are expected to actively communicate your CO2 policy in-house and externally. You could, for instance, post your policy on the company website or in a newsletter.


At this level you are expected to actively promote CO2 policy. You might set up projects or share your knowledge within your sector or industry. What matters is to work on minimising emissions.

A coherent CO2 emissions reduction policy does not just help the environment, it will save you money. Clients will increasingly take into account your achievements on the CO2 Performance Ladder. The higher your company's level on the CO2 Performance Ladder - in other words, the harder you work on CO2 emissions reduction - the greater the goodwill factor you will generate. We are slowly emerging from the economic crisis, and companies are once more beginning to look beyond simple price comparisons. A good position on the CO2 Performance Ladder will pay off for you.

If you would like to know more about the CO2 Performance Ladder and our achievements in reducing emissions, please contact us.
